oh sweet the joy this sentence gives.
He lives; He lives who once was dead. He lives, my ever living head.
I lives; my kind, wise, heavenly friend.
He lives and loves me to the end.
Oh sweet, the joy this sentence gives.
I know that my Redeemer lives.
I am so grateful to be blessed enough to know that I have an elder brother, Savior, and Redeemer who not only died on the cross for me but rose again and broke the bands of death. He paid a debt I never could have and gave me--and the entire human race--reason to live, reason to hope, reason to feel joy. There is life after death; it is through the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love my Lord. He is my light and my strength through every day of life. I am so grateful for His loving arms that are continually reaching out to save me. Without His great infinite and eternal sacrifice the whole human experience would end in nothing. But because of his act of pure, deep, and unconditional love for each and every one of us, death will be the only thing that truly dies in the end. That is the most beautiful irony of all. We will live forever with our families and Savior. All He asks is that we come and follow Him.
I truly stand all amazed at the beautiful grace Jesus offers me.
Love Always, Aimee