Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Just some introductions..

My roommates. Let me tell you about my roommates.
They one of a kind.. And fantastic.

First, there's Morgan. She is the one sticking her tongue out in the back. No worries, contrary to this picture, she actually isn't a supporter of Miley Cyrus. However, she is my own personal comic relief. She can make the worst days the best and her puns get me every time. I really cannot say enough good things about this girl so I will leave it at that. But let it be known that I love her.

Next to Morgs is Abby, not looking at the camera. Classic. Things you should know about this girl. Everyone is either 1) her best friend, 2) like her brother, or 3) she LOVES them. She is funny, kind, and rocks everything she wears. She's a keeper. But be warned, when she's thirsty she will quench it.

The front left is Sierra. aka Mom. She is always taking care of us. She is going to be a good wife guys. Take note. Haha oh and she is never short on awkward lovers coming to visit. We are still trying to figure out how to relieve our apartment of them. I'll get back to you on that. Sierra is great. Sometimes we pretend we work out and run. 

Next to Sierra is Sadie. She might just be the funniest person in the world. I cannot count how many times Morg and I laid on the ground laughing because of her blunt comments. She actually leaves tomorrow to serve her mission in Missouri! Her laugh is missed around here.

In front is Nathan, our adopted roommate. He is great. We also literally found his wife for him in a blind date with Heather's friend. Who knew we were so good?

Next is Heather dear. I adore her. She is sassy but sweet. Oh, and she's got some pretty great dance moves. If you have any gossip on relationships or scandals.. tell her. She will love you. She knows everything about peoples life and it is quite a talent. This girl is fantastic. 

And that is our roommates! 

Some of our adventures this year have included a weekend "staycation" where we stayed up all night watching movie after movie and talking after turning our entire living room into a fort. It was epic. 

Another great night: sledding poor college kid style. Meaning we wore black garbage bags over our heads and as diapers because we don't have sleds. Let's just say we were surprised how well it worked. 

One last adventure to remember was to the always beautiful Temple Square in Salt Lake to enjoy the lights. I will never get sick of going there and seeing the lights and I wouldn't mind if they left them up year round. Or at least until the snow left. 

As you can see, we party hard here in Provo. Every night is an adventure from jumping out the window, exploring caves, to hot tubbing with weird people we don't know. Life is so good. 
Love Always, Aimee

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